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DataPage Questions and Answers

Introducing DataPage

Following the success of TitlePage—the highly-regarded industry price and availability service—the APA has introduced a new and exciting service: DataPage.

What is DataPage?

DataPage is a comprehensive title data download service. It has been developed in response to requests from booksellers to be able to download title information en masse—rather than on a title-by-title basis, which is the case with TitlePage now—from a single site.

DataPage draws its data from the same database as TitlePage, and it is a subscription-based service. Fees vary according to the number of records downloaded and the degree of customisation required by the customer.

Why do you need DataPage?

DataPage can save you considerable time—and therefore money—in two ways:

  1. Download each month's New Releases and other promotional files from a single site: You can update your database from a single site each month with all the New Release title details and other promotional files provided by publishers, rather than having to load each publisher's files one-by-one from their own sites or from data files supplied to you by that publisher.
  2. Customised downloads: When you want to expand/update your database by obtaining all the titles that meet your particular selection criteria, you can do this quickly and easily by creating a customised extract from the database.
  3. Populate your website with up to date title information.

What types of title downloads will be available?

Two types of downloads will be available:

  1. Pre-built files: New Releases (NR) and Special Offer files (S) uploaded by individual publishers.
  2. Build-your-own files: Tailor-made extracts that you create yourself. Easy-to-use menus enable you to define your selection criteria. Use any or all of: Subject, Imprint, Publisher, Local Agent, Distributor, Publication Date range, Series, and Availability.

How much will it cost to subscribe to DataPage?

We are pleased to announce that subscribers can now use DataPage downloads to populate their websites for no extra charge. The cost of the package remains the same whether you use the data just for your POS system or you also use it to maintain up-to-date product information on your website.

Datapage Bronze
Pre-Built files: All
Build-your-own: Up to 5,000 records/month
Data type: Basic bibliographic file
Cost: $250 per year
Not available to 'online stores'

DataPage Silver
Pre-Built files: All
Build-your-own: Up to 11,000 records/month
Data type: Basic or Detailed bibliographic file (the user can choose)
Cost: $500 per year
Not available to 'online stores'

DataPage Gold
Pre-Built files: All
Build-your-own: Up to 35,000 records/month
Data type: Basic or Detailed bibliographic file (the user can choose)
Cost: $1,500 per year
Not available to 'online stores'

DataPage Platinum
Individually tailored packages of metadata.
Available to all booksellers including 'online stores'
Customised data files available daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly
Supply agreement - initial period of two years with one year renewals available thereafter
Cost: dependant on the degree of customisation and download frequency requested; subscriptions payable monthly in advance

What if the above packages don't meet your needs?

If you have specific needs that are not covered by the options above, please contact the TitlePage team to discuss your requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a basic bibliographic data file?

A basic file includes all the bibliographic data that must be supplied by publishers to the Titlepage database: EAN/ISBN13, Title, Author, Subject Category, Format, Binding, Name of Originating Publisher, Originating Publisher's Availability, Name of Local Publisher/Agent, Local Publisher/Agent's Availability, Local Publication Date, Name of Local Distributor, Pack Quantity and ARRP (incl GST).

What is a detailed bibliographic data file?

A detailed file includes all the fields in a basic bibliographic file and all other optional fields (as provided by the publisher) eg cover, description, table of contents. Please note that all the information available in TitlePage is available in DataPage except stock levels.

How can I access my files?

You can access the generated file by:

  1. Saving the .zip file on your computer
  2. Accessing the FTP site - using TitlePage Username and Password at the following address

You can choose to receive your files ASAP, daily, weekly or monthly. Please note that if you select the daily option you will not be able to select the hours between midnight and 3am.

How do I subscribe to DataPage?

If you are a TitlePage user already, simply log into the site in the usual way and click on the DataPage tab in the navigation bar at the top of the screen. Once you have accepted the DataPage terms and conditions you will be able to fill in the registration form.

I am not a member of TitlePage, can I subscribe to DataPage?

You must have an account with TitlePage before you can subscribe to DataPage. To register for Titlepage, go to and complete the online registration form.

Once your TitlePage registration has been approved, log in to the TitlePage site, select DataPage in the navigation menu at the top of the screen, and complete the DataPage online registration form.

How long does my subscription last?

The introductory offer, starting after the ABA Conference in mid-June 2007, will expire on 31 December 2007.

How long does it take after registration to access DataPage?

Once your payment have been processed, you will be notified by e-mail that your TitlePage profile has been upgraded to include DataPage. This usually takes less than 2 business days.

How do I upgrade my DataPage subscription?

To upgrade your DataPage subscription, email your request to the TitlePage team at

How is the number of records calculated?

The calculation is based on the total number of Build-your-own records downloaded that month, including records that you choose to download multiple times. For example, if you choose to download a file comprising 500 records on a daily basis during November, your download count will equal 15,000 (500 x 30 days).

Are Pre-built Files included in my monthly total?

No. There is no limit to the number of Pre-built files you can download.

What happens when I go over my limit?

A message will alert you that your request will exceed your limit. You will also receive notification via email.

Can any unused download record count be carried over to future months?

No. All monthly record counts are re-set to zero at the end of each month.

How do I check my monthly record limit?

Each time you request a download from DataPage, your count of records downloaded so far during that month is displayed in the right-hand panel. When you create a Build-your-own file you will be able to see the number of records you have selected before you submit for download.

How do I manage my files?

Any Pre-built or Build-your-own files you choose to download will sit in the 'Manage your files' section. This makes it easy to go back and see what you have previously downloaded.

Once the file has been generated, you can view the size, the number of records in the file and file type (basic or detailed) by hovering your cursor over the file name.

You can edit the selection criteria for your Build-your-own requests and the frequency at which each will run. You also have the option to delete any of these requests.

Why do I sometimes receive different results when I search DataPage and TitlePage?

When new data is uploaded to the TitlePage database after the daily process to update DataPage, this new data appears in TitlePage immediately, but it will not appear in DataPage until the next day.

Why is there a title in a Build-your-own file that doesn't appear in a Pre-built file or vice versa?

Publishers upload Pre-built files (New Releases or Special Offers) directly to DataPage and Build-your-own files are drawn from the TitlePage database.

What can I do with the data?

There are restrictions on the ways in which you can use the data that you download from DataPage. These are outlined in full in the Terms and Conditions.

What if I have problems integrating my data?

We suggest you contact your system supplier who will be able to assist you with your DataPage files to ensure you benefit from usage of the data.

Contact Information

TitlePage Support Team

60/89 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007